Eötvös, Vajda Varga world premieres

6 March, 2022, Sunday, 19:30


Gergely Vajda: Bagatelles canoniques - in memoriam György Ligeti 

- world premiere

Judit Varga: Zankend - Stille, stumm, still - Hommage à M. Kurtág 

- world premiere

Kurtág-Cuendet: Games -selection 

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Péter Eötvös: Fermata - ősbemutató

György LIGETI: Piano Concerto  


Gergely Vajda


Zoltán Fejérvári piano

Our programme is arranged around the musical legacy of three iconic personalities of Hungarian new music: György Ligeti, György Kurtág and Márta Kurtág. Judit Varga’s new composition is dedicated to the memory of Márta Kurtág, while Gergely Vajda’s Bagatelles canoniques is an homage to György Ligeti, featuring a dynamic combination of order and chaos, unleashed fantasy and strict canon form. The world premiere of Fermata by Peter Eötvös, an ensemble piece co-commissioned by UMZE is a significant event for the ensemble, which is a member of a consortium including the Ensemble Intercontemporain of France and the Frankfurt-based Ensemble Modern. The concert also features György Ligeti’s Piano Concerto, which has by now become a classic of concert repertories around the world. The soloist will be Zoltán Fejérvári, one of the most renowned musicians of a new generation of Hungarian pianists.