28 September, 2020, Monday, 19:30


László Sándor : Two Hungarian Folk Song Arrangements

Attila Bozay: Mirror, Op. 28

Miklós Lukács: Improvisation

György Kurtág: Tre Pezzi, Tre altre Pezzi op. 38a

Mátyás Bolya - Samu Gryllus: Prisoner Song


Ádám Kondor: Hungarian Folk Song Forms

Gyula Fekete: All’ Ongherese

Péter Tóth: Death Flowers —world premiere, commissioned by UMZE Ensemble

Miklós Lukács: Improvizáció

Balázs Horváth: With Men's Eye / With Woman's Eye



Balázs Horváth


Ágnes Herczku  soprano

András Szalai, Miklós Lukács cimbalom

Mátyás Bolya kobza

Balázs Szokolay Dongó flute

Helga Debreczeni Kis citer

All’Ongherese – Hungarian style… Goulash, paprika, at best the csardas dance, or if we are cultured, folk music, Bartók and Kodály.

How did composers relate to Hungarian folk music in past decades and what is their attitude to it today? Adaptation, transformation, folk gestures. Allusions, instrumental improvisation. Folk performance styles and new-music techniques, jazz and world-music tendencies. The list of modern approaches to Hungarian folk music is endless. By spotlighting some of these alternatives, we would like to join the audience in seeking to discover whether a work will be different if its creation is inspired by disparate aesthetic motives. Because the works’ composers are extremely diverse – and not only considering the time when they were born.